Sunday, April 8, 2012

Chipping away at the list

So this weekend we chipped (Masters pun intended) away at the 8 Week Countdown list.  Some of our work involved actually finishing up projects, but some of it involved prep. 

We were able to patch/spray the office wall.  When we removed the broken Brinks panel from the wall, we found the old paint color, and no wall texture, both of which we were expecting.  We had some spray wall texture and paint from other projects, so this was an easy, free fix.  

I washed and ironed 4 curtain panels, so I could get started with putting up curtains in Nick's office/lounge.  

We have finalized a plan for the walk-in closet as well.  It will probably change a little from the plan during the construction, this summer. 

So here's the progress on the list

 8 Week Countdown
Curtains-office, guest room, living room
Paint post on front porch
Finalize plans for walk-in closet
Plant grass
Put down rubber tiles by dumpster
Shop for sideboard
Patch/spray office wall
Clean cubes in living room
Photograph bedroom
Move hose corral
Install light over dining table 

I've been told I'm slacking on photos, so here are some:

Any projects planned or completed recently?


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